Limited Edition Recycled Marble 限定盤\r= Equals\rエド・シーラン \rエドシーラン\rUK盤\rアナログレコード\rAnalog Record\rLP\rVinyl\r\rThe Limited Edition = Recycled 12” 1LP version of the album is exclusive to this webstore.\r\rThe vinyl record is 140g and pressed using 100% recycled plastic material, using waste from the production of other vinyl records.\r\rAs well as reducing plastic, this gives each record a completely unique color appearance, depending on the material available at the time of pressing. The sound quality is comparable to that of a normal colored vinyl.\r\rTrack List:\rSide A\r1 Tides\r2 Shivers\r3 First Times\r4 Bad Habits\r5 Overpass Graffiti\r6 The Joker And The Queen\r7 Leave Your Life\r\rSide B\r1 Collide\r2 2step\r3 Stop The Rain\r4 Love In Slow Motion\r5 Visiting Hours\r6 Sandman\r7 Be Right Now \r\r新品未開封\r即購入大歓迎\r\r宜しくお願い致します\r\r★ほか出品中のEd SheeranのCDはこちら↓\r#STARRZEdSheeran