*English follows Japaneseご観覧頂きありがとうございます!こちらはsee you yesterday (シーユーイエスタデイ)wasted youth (ウェイステッドユース)Girls Don't Cry (ガールズドントクライ)などを手掛けるverdyさんのコラボtシャツとなります!大阪のHenry’s PizzaにてPOP-UP限定で入手できる大変希少なアイテムです!このPOP-UPのために、各サイズ数枚のみ生産された大変入手困難なアイテムです。男女問わずカッコよく・可愛く着用できるアイテムです!!新品未使用でお送り致します^ ^*English follows Japanese Thank you for watching! This is a collaboration t-shirt by Verdy, who works on see you yesterday (See You Yesterday) Wasted Youth (Waisted Youth) Girls Don't Cry (Girls Don't Cry) and so on! This is a very rare item that can only be obtained at Henry's Pizza in Osaka for POP-UP! Because of this POP-UP, it is very difficult to obtain only a few pieces of each size. This item can be worn in a cool and cute way regardless of gender!! I will send it to you as new and unused.^ ^verdyOTSUMO PLAZAWasted Youthウェイステッドユースhuman madeヒューマンメードsupremeシュプリームYUKI TSUNODAFlower can tee柄・デザイン···プリント(ロゴなど)